Enti Ragdolls
My name is Kamila and I manage this purring company;)
Enti is a small home cattery and I predict it will stay that way. Sometimes we wait a long time for a litter, because our cats live with their own rhythm, which can be very picky. But when the little ones appear in the world, they are most anticipated and loved as much as possible. I like this state and I see the value in it that I can devote time and energy to each kitten, and tell the future owners a bit about their babies.
Enti * PL started in 2017. In March of that year, I registered the nickname and officially joined the group of Breeders.
Today, Enti consists of three breeding females and a male.

Our Cattery – Organizational side
All cats and kittens in our cattery have a pedigree. All our cats are family members and are treated as such. With all its privileges, to a lesser extent duties;). We care about proper nutrition and comprehensive veterinary care. Breeding is free from genetic diseases (HCM, PKD) and viral diseases (FIV, FELV). All health tests results are attached on page of every cat.
Enti*PL is registered in Cat Club Feniks under the patronage of Felis Polonia. FPL is the largest association of Clubs and Feline Societies in our country, as well as the only Polish member of the world’s largest Federation of Feline Fines (Federation Internationale Feline).
Link to the club: http://www.catclubfeniks.pl/hodowle/?kategoria=K1

I am guided by the value of Cat's MOJO
People and cats are completely separate species, and in order for their coexistence to be pleasant and good for both sides, it is necessary to understand well both your species and the other.
What is Mojo? I am very close to the approach of the American behaviorist Jackson Galaxy: “The source of the cat mojo is the unquestionable possession of your own territory and the feeling that you have important work to do there. This work is a biological imperative inherited by cats from wild ancestors, and I define it as follows: hunting, catching, killing, eating, toilet, sleep. We provide this to our cat by creating a rhythm that reflects the one in which the primitive cat, i.e. the ancestor of our pet, functioned. When a cat lives in harmony with its body, it can live in harmony with everything that surrounds it.”
Mojo cats are a state of self-confidence and their territory, a sense of security and fulfilled needs of the primitive cat, and thus – happiness.